Remember, Rebirth & Reclaim your most authentic and expressive Self
1:1 Healing & Mentorship with Christine Marie
A private & intimate journey reclaiming your most empowered self
This is often the point where you say: “I’m ready to release victimhood and step into empowerment and transformation!”
Healing ancestral trauma, connecting to your True Self, gaining clarity, removing energetic blocks, building self-trust, increasing our intuition, discovering and sharing your sacred gifts— all require a cycle of time and a deeper commitment to sustain impact & change.
1:1 healing work provides you with guidance and integration for accessing altered states of consciousness, where you will interact & integrate your multi-dimensional, fully healed, & empowered self.
My intuitive and skill-based shamanic, somatic, and energy-based healing rituals are designed to give you greater self-clarity, self-confidence, and energetic & emotional release so that you can live your life with empowerment, authenticity, and intuitive ease.
During each session, I shape-shift into a conduit for healing energy, channeling it to your body, mind, and spirit to promote relaxation, reduce stress, alleviate pain, and support the body's natural healing processes. These sessions are often deeply transformative experiences, fostering self-awareness, personal growth, and spiritual connection.
Over the course of 3 to 9 months, you will receive customized energy healings and clearings, reiki attunements, somatic release, shamanic journeys, sound healing, intuitive readings, guidance, & earth medicine for optimal health and healing.
If you’re serious about committing to a more expansive, healthy, and fulfilled life, and are looking for a supportive steward to guide you through a high-level transformation period as you shed old layers of limiting beliefs, energies, & attachments, then our 1:1 work is the perfect process for you.
Are you ready to begin? Click below to apply.

Working with me you can expect to….
Learn how to take shamanic journeys to the spirit world for guidance, healing and connection
Experience emotional and psychological healing for the past, present and future
Connect to your higher self, inner child, ancestors, spirit and animal guides
Release feelings of depression + anxiety
Heal personal and ancestral traumas
Alchemize your pain into divine wisdom for self and others
Balance and re-vitalize the chakra system
Release emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages
Dissolve stagnant energy so you can connect deeper to your creativity
An access and deeper look to your blind spots and shadow parts
Release negative conditionings while creating new neural pathways
Develop a deep, nurturing and sustainable relationship to nature and self
Learn to sense and communicate with angels and spirit guides
Practical techniques to be mindful of your energy, to clear, ground and protect yourself
Acquire age old energy healing tools for yourself and family
Find clarity in your souls purpose in this lifetime
Feel a deep sense of belonging to the Web of Life
Discover your purpose & open up possibilities of manifestation and empowerment
You Might be Wondering…
What can 1:1 Energy Healing do for me?
Shamanic healing works beyond the mind in the quantum field outside of linear space and time called non-ordinary reality. In this realm, insight, healing and wisdom is accessed from beneficial spirit guides, power animals, plants, elements and ancestors. When astral traveling, I meet spirits in human and animal forms that advise how to address each problem directly to the client receiving treatment. The specific things I encounter in each session is unique for each individual and each journey. Over time, the there is a mental ‘map’ built of the alternate reality they are entering that allows for clarity & knowledge acquired to help others.
Through many powerful techniques within each session, great wisdom is accessed and integrated into ordinary reality for quantum healing.
Ultimately, these energetic practices allow for accumulating, storing, and utilizing power to suspend everyday laws of nature and to influence and manipulate reality for the purposes of healing, prophesying, divining and awakening.
Just as your body needs healing when you are sick, so does your spirit; just as a problem you’ve encountered needs you to take action in the ordinary world, so there is a need for action to be taken in non-ordinary reality.
In my readings, I see and sense any underlying energies that may be negatively affecting the clients current circumstances. In us working together, I will work to shift, balance, release and elevate the frequencies as well as offer guidance and tools for you to integrate these energies and newfound awareness in your every day life.
I believe the roots of our physical and mental dis-eases are somewhere beyond just the symptoms of a medical diagnosis. As human beings, we accumulate trauma from our current + past lifetimes. These traumas and negative energies get stored in our luminous energy bodies, creating blockages that expose themselves as mental, physical, emotional and energetic ailments. These blockages ultimately prevent us from living a healthy and well-balanced life.
In my practice, I use my holistic healing knowledge & wisdom in combination with my spirit relationships and intuitive, energetic gifts to create profound changes that will manifest in the physical world for the overall healing of the client. I offer shamanic healing, teachings, and journeys to the client by traveling to the realms of the invisible. Here, I access divine wisdom and information for the healing of the client.
My mission is to create a sense of wholeness and remembrance for others in their modern day internal and external experiences.
Remembering our true essence as soul beings grants us the opportunity for an individual and global awakening that is needed to heal the illness of our world today.

Energy healing techniques can cleanse negative energies and bring balance between mind, body + spirit. Physical + mental illnesses can often be symptoms of soul/power loss or negative energies, which can be healed by shamanic reiki healing and sacred plante medicines. 1-to-1 healing services can include:
Plant Medicine Journey’s + Integration
Long Distance Healing
Inner Child Retrieval
Re-establish ones connection to nature
Psychic Readings + Channeling
Messages from Spirits & Ascended Beings
Shamanic Journeys
Present Life Regression
Connection to your Guides + Ascended Masters
House Clearing and Cleansing
Soul Retrieval
Chakra Balancing
Discover and connect to your Spirit + Power Animals
Energy and Aura Clearing
Past Life Integration Clearing
Cord Cutting and Power Retrieval
Ancestral healing
Guidance from Spirit to further clear your karma
Womb clearing and activation
Sound healing
Land Clearing and Activation
My background includes learning environments that are a combination of spiritual healers, teachers and shamans that reside in India, East Asia, Central & South America, Europe and North America. These studies have re-awakened my connection to my innate healing gifts.
Select Mentorships, Trainings & Study:
Experiential plant medicine teachings and mentorship from the Shipibo Lineage
Psilocybin Licensure: Innertrek
Holy Fire Reiki 1, 2 & Masters
Shamanic Practice: Cara Gardner, Alberto Villoldo
Herbalism Internship: The Herbal Shoppe, Portland OR
Intro to Buddhism: Kopan Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal
Reiki 1 + 2 Training: Rishikesh, India
Bhakti Yoga Studies in India: Radhanath Swami
Creative Practice: Received coaching and support from the likes of best-selling authors: Shannon Kaiser, Amber Rae, Cheryl Strayed
Western Medicine: Bachelors of Science in Nursing: Western Michigan University
Minor: Addiction Studies
Depression Management & Suicide Prevention Study Abroad Training, Germany
My deepest gratitude to the lineages, teachers, mentors & healers who have supported me on this path
Embracing the healing power of plant spirit medicines, the wisdom of divination, and the art of ritual, along with the cyclic flow of nature, I honor the spirits of my ancestors, channeling their ancient knowledge and carrying their legacy forward into the present day. With each invocation and sacred ceremony, I am reminded of the timeless bond that exists between my soul and the sacred Celtic traditions. I give infinite gratitude to my ancestors and guided spirits, whose wisdom and legacies continue to shape our lives for great healing and transformation.